Antonio Velasco Piña
Website with books and conferences
He was born in 1935 in Buenavista de Cuellar, state of Guerrero, Mexico. He is the author of the book entitled “Regina: October 2 is not forgotten”, an historical-biographical novel based on the life of a dakini (an embodied spiritual being of feminine nature), heiress to the spiritual traditions of both Tibet and Mexico.
Regina's mission was to activate cosmic forces in harmony with legacies of ancient traditions, allowing Mexico to find a new consciousness as a nation linked to his own awakening, and from there lead the planetary awakening. A mission that on the material plane culminates in a ritual sacrifice in the place of Tlatelolco, on October 2, 1968.
Since then Antonio Velasco Piña is the custodian of both the physical and mystical heritage of Regina, as well of her commitment with Mexico and its awakening.

Full list of his books:
1. Tlacaelel: The Aztec among the Aztecs
2. Regina: October 2 is not forgotten
3. The return of the sacred
4. Letters to Elízabeth
5. Wind mirror
6. The Olmec heritage
7.- The awakening of Teotihuacan
8. Two Olmec warriors
9. Men who want to be
10. The sacred war
11. Love and destination in National Palace *
12.- The seven rays
13.- The black circle
14.- History of a magical musical: Regina, a nation that awakes
15.- Letters and poems of a warrior and a cardinal
16.- St. Jude Thaddeus, Apostle of lost causes
17.- The return of the Eagles and the Jaguars
18.- The sacred palace *
19.- Hannibal and Scipio
20.- Angels warriors

Some texts are out of circulation because they have not been republished. Those interested in acquiring the rights to publish them in spanish or other languages, please contact at the following email address: mexicosagrado